Saturday, November 16, 2024 St. Mary's Church Basement, 130 W. Cedar Street, Platteville
9:00 a.m. | Check-in 5:30 p.m. Dinner & Closing
One day marriage retreat for all married and engaged couples to strengthen our marriages and grow in faith and fellowship as pursue heaven with our spouse.
St. Joseph Catholic Church: 300 Second St., Baraboo
*October's Discipleship Night: Tuesday, October 8th.
Martha & Mary Hall (Church Basement). All Men Welcome.
A monthly gathering for men, in all stages of the spiritual life, for adoration, meditation, and the foundational and transformative skills of discipleship.
St. Joseph Catholic Church: 300 Second St., Baraboo
Martha & Mary Hall (Church Basement). All Women Welcome.
A monthly gathering for women, in all stages of the spiritual life, for adoration, meditation, and the foundational and transformative skills of discipleship.