Twenty high school youth from our parish have signed up to attend the High School Rally, Frassati-Fest, sponsored by the diocese in February.
The total cost for the teens is $250.00 and they have all put down a $125.00 deposit with the hopes that between donations and TRIVIA NIGHT we could cover the cost.
How can you help? Put together a trivia team.
8 people -- friends, co-workers, family, etc. and come out and play! Concessions will be available for purchase. The teens will be working. With the largest parish in the Pastorate, our parish should have the most teams there!
Help us do this! An 8 person team is $120.00 or if you can't get a full table together and still want to play it is $15.00 payable that evening. Please register your team with Tina at [email protected].